Fraternity Communications Association
a new start in honor of 100 years
I was elected to the FCA Board in 2018 and really enjoyed working with a committee of volunteers from various Greek-letter organizations.
As part of the Centennial celebration, we proposed a rebrand for FCA. The board agreed and I lead the Marketing Committee through the process. It was so rewarding to be able to introduce the new brand from the podium at FCA’s Centennial Celebration in May 2023.
previous FCA logo
updated FCA logo
The project included:
Creating, disseminating, and analyzing results from a survey to FCA members to gather ideas and sentiments around the existing brand, what FCA means to members, and imagery ideas
Managing designers and committee members, thoughtfully listening to their ideas and opinions while ultimately leading us forward
Presenting visual brand assets to the board of directors and lead a vote to adopt the new brand
Writing a speech explaining the new visual assets and presenting the brand to the FCA body at the Centennial Celebration
You can read all my thoughts on the brand on FCA’s website via the button below.
the FCA Marketing Committee that made it all happen
What does the imagery mean?
FCA’s logo has historically been a quill pen, because FCA was originally founded as an organization solely for magazine editors. Since communication departments have grown and expanded to cover so many other areas (including magazine production), we strove to create a logo that represented all FCA members.
Here’s an excerpt from my speech and blog post:
We chose to focus on the action oriented part of our existing imagery — the nib of the quill. The nib is the part of a quill that comes in contact with the paper, much like how we are the people who often come in contact with our members, facilitating the bridge between the organization and its many audiences.
The quill is our link to the past and the original intention of what was the College Fraternity Editors Association. The tip of the quill is pointing up, aiming toward the heights we can achieve together.
The speech bubble represents what we all do — the art of communicating, whether you’re an editor, graphic designer, videographer, social media specialist, or let’s be real, a combination of any (or sometimes all) of those.