social media
I'm so proud to help produce content for ZTA's accounts and am lucky to work with a team who "gets it." The following content was created collaboratively in 2019 by two graphic designers, a videographer, an editor and me, as well as the countless Zetas who provide user-generated content each year.
Purpose-Driven Content
Zeta Tau Alpha’s social media work is rooted in a set of four core outcomes that drive content and interaction. These outcomes have guided our social media content for years. Through ZTA social media, we aim to:
Build community among members and friends
Share best practices and spark creativity
Encourage personal development
Increase organizational pride
Content is created very intentionally around these outcomes. They map directly to National Council’s goals for the organization and ZTA’s mission statement. We spend our time seeking success through these outcomes, measuring every step of the way. Basing our work on a set of goals has helped ZTA stay focused on providing compelling and purposeful content for audiences.
Keeping in mind our younger audience, ZTA’s account seeks to repost members’ images to validate those who post meaningful, appropriate content on their own personal accounts. This also helps members feel “seen.”
Instagram is also one of our biggest community-building platforms. “Tag a friend who _____” posts are sprinkled throughout this channel to create real sisterhood moments in a virtual world.
Here’s a quick breakdown of our content from the feed Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2019:
41,781 followers (+5,498 since 2018)
189 posts
As for top-performing content on Instagram, the following posts from 2019 are some of the most engaging pieces we’ve ever published on the platform.

This photo of Miss Florida USA making ZTA's hand symbol was the most liked photo on ZTA's Instagram in 2019, and one of the most liked photos of all time (as of Jan. 2020).

This image celebrating Founders' Day and asking members to tag a sister they are grateful to know garnered 1,131 comments and was the most-commnted-on Instagram of all time (as of Jan. 2020).

Instagram stories are also a huge part ZTA’s social media strategy. Promotions for ZTA’s in-house boutique, chapter takeovers and educational content are all shared in stories. ZTA posted almost 100 Instagram stories in 2019, which were viewed around 6,000 times each. Takeovers are a great chance to share best practices from chapters who do a good job on their own social media accounts, as well as easily engage women from all across the country. Check out some of our favorite stories from 2019 below.
(above) National Ritual Celebration Week fill-in template
(above) Launch of ZTA Emoji app 
Zuck likes to keep us on our toes, so Facebook is ever-changing. In 2019 ZTA was intentional in sharing meaningful, relevant content, as opposed to just filling content gaps. Here’s a quick breakdown of our Facebook Page stats:
58,501 followers (+1,666 since 2018)
1.83 million reach
187 posts
72,321 reactions (60% increase from 2018)
10,547 comments (153% increase from 2018)
Our top Facebook posts from 2019 are a great cross-section of the type of content we strive to produce on the platform.

I pitched an idea to make up a holiday to celebrate ZTA roommates. Good thing we ran with it, because this is ZTA"s most-commented-on post of all time (as of Jan. 2020).

ZTA partners with Bright Pink to help women assess their risk for breast and ovarian cancer. This post received a huge number of shares, with 571.

On top of the content produced by the Fraternity, I made a point to respond to, or favorite, every single time a user mentioned @ztafraternity. This lead to increased humanization of the organization, as well as a more conversational tone, with room to recognize relevant trends and reaction GIFs.
We also sought to have more of a sense of humor on Twitter, as that is what the main userbase expects to find there. See some of our top humorous posts, as well as some form our members, in this Moment.
Here are the quick stats:
303 posts
Check out the top performing posts below.

This St. Patrick's Day post performed really well, with 770 RTs and almost 1,400 likes.

Using part of a traditional ZTA song, this Valentine's post received a high number of likes.

This quote tweet took off with more than 1,100 likes. ZTA's tone on Twitter is a little sassy and fun, so this tweet fit right in.

In 2019, we hired a Staff Videographer, and one of her main responsibilities was to start and run a YouTube channel for ZTA. The goal was to set an example ZTA chapters could follow—posting not only fun videos, but integrating more substantial content. The goal is to post at least three times each month, with the stretch goal being weekly content. YouTube launched in September, and within two days, we had gained more than 500 followers, purely through social media promotion and word of mouth (or more likely, keyboard).
Between mid-September and the end of 2019, our YouTube grew from zero to the following analytics:
749 subscribers
10 videos
121.6 hours watched

Our trailer helps welcome viewers to our channel and was one of ZTA's most-viewed videos in 2019, with 1,554 views in just 3 months.

A light-hearted video, "New Members Aren't Babies" is meant to encourage use of proper terminology in a fun way.

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